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NAV_family03GPS-Aided Inertial Systems

Crossbow's NAV420 and NAV440 product familes utilize MEMS-based inertial sensors and GPS technology to provide an unmatched value in price and performance.

The NAV420 and NAV440 system architectures are designed to combine the functions of an IMU, VG, AHRS and GPS in a compact environmentally sealed enclosure with built-in EMI protection.

The NAV425EX is an OEM-only version of the NAV420 with custom interfaces for the experimental aircraft market.

Typical applications include navigation, control and stabilization in airborne, marine and land environments. .


NAV420 Product Features:~
GPS X, Y, Z Position and Velocity Outputs
AHRS Pitch, Roll, and Heading Output at 100Hz
Built-In GPS Receiver with RTCM and WAAS Compatibility
High Stability MEMS Sensors
Enhanced Performance Kalman Filter Algorithm
EMI & Vibration Resistant
Environmentally Sealedoll, Pitch, Heading and 3-Axis Inertial Outputs

pdf icon26NAV420 Datasheet

pdf icon26NAV420 Users Manual

The Crossbow NAV420 is a combined GPS Navigation and GPS-Aided Attitude & Heading Reference system (AHRS) that utilizes both MEMS-based inertial sensors and GPS technology to provide an unmatched value in terms of both price and performance. Developed in response to years of extensive application experience in a wide variety of airborne, marine and land applications, the NAV420 also incorporates many new and enhanced design features.

NAV425EX Product Features:~
Real-Time GPS X, Y, Z Position and Velocity Outputs
AHRS Pitch, Roll, and Heading Output
Built-In GPS Receiver with RTCM and WAAS Compatibility
High Stability MEMS Sensors
Enhanced Performance Kalman Filter Algorithm
EMI & Vibration Resistant
Compatible with AHRS500 AHRS FAA Certified Data Packet Format

pdf icon26NAV425EX Datasheet

pdf icon26NAV425EX Users Manual

The Crossbow NAV420 is a combined GPS Navigation and GPS-Aided Attitude & Heading Reference system (AHRS) that utilizes both MEMS-based inertial sensors and GPS technology to provide an unmatched value in terms of both price and performance. Developed in response to years of extensive application experience in a wide variety of airborne, marine and land applications, the NAV420 also incorporates many new and enhanced design features.

General Aviation

NAV440 Product Features:~
AHRS Pitch, Roll, and Heading Output at 100Hz
GPS X, Y, Z Position and Velocity Outputs
Built-In GPS Receiver with RTCM and WAAS Compatibility
High Stability MEMS Sensors
Enhanced Performance Kalman Filter Algorithm
EMI & Vibration Resistant
Environmentally Sealed

pdf icon26NAV440 Datasheet

pdf icon26NAV440 Users Manual

The Crossbow NAV440 is a combined GPS Navigation and GPS-Aided Attitude & Heading Reference system (AHRS) that utilizes both MEMS-based inertial sensors and GPS technology to provide an unmatched value in terms of both price and performance. Developed in response to years of extensive application experience in a wide variety of airborne, marine and land applications, the NAV440 also incorporates many new and enhanced design features.

Automotive Test
Antenna Stabilization
Unmanned Vehicles
Agriculture and Construction

Willow Technologies Ltd. Unit 3 Borers Yard, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3LH, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1342 717102, Fax: +44 (0) 1342 717014, Email: